What it is all about

There is so much that I, or we all, for that matter think. So much interesting stuff comes to our mind. Just letting it go would be such a waste. In this blog I will write my thoughts, what I think, whatever I think.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We are one

   Imagine, just imagine what things would be like if all the countries would unite to form a single super nation. No wars, no discrimination based on nationality, free flow of capital, culture and most importantly, people.
   Under this system, all people will be equal, the way God meant them to be. All the problems will be resolved together and all resources will be shared.
   An argument may be, 'Hey that stuff is happening, through trade and all. People migrate as well, so what's the issue?' Well, if you notice, in the first paragraph I have italicised the word 'free'. We have trade, true but we have different currencies.We also have migration between countries but that is also highly restricted. I am talking about every person being native to every part of the world. Wouldn't that be just awesome?
   Although the chances of this actually happening are not very high, we should not be surprised if it actually does happen. Remember that nothing is impossible and there is always a first time for everything.


  1. When I was very much younger I also used to imagine a world with only one culture, religion, faith, and political belief. However, when I grew older and started learning about the cultures of different peoples in the world, my belief changed.

    I now realized that the key to unity and understanding is not really the oneness of faiths or beliefs and cultures, but instead the acknowledgment that different peoples have different beliefs and different cultures have different idiosyncrasies, and despite these differences, the ability to accept this, understand, and respect each other. Thus, the key is diversity and multiculturalism.

    Just my thought.


  2. @alfie
    That's a nice thought. But when I talked about one world, I didn't mean only one faith or one culture but the peaceful and harmonious togetherness of them all.
    One super nation does not mean destructin of the present nations but taking it to the next level.
    Hope you like it.
    Bhanu(aka Smart Guy)
