What it is all about

There is so much that I, or we all, for that matter think. So much interesting stuff comes to our mind. Just letting it go would be such a waste. In this blog I will write my thoughts, what I think, whatever I think.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


      Okay, this is a crazy one. Often I just sit alone thinking stuff, deep stuff, this is one of them.
     What is time? You got it right, time. Some might think 'Hey, what is this guy saying? Time is umm you know..just time.' Dude, just try to define it yourself, you''l know.
      Well I suppose you get your answer now. But I am still looking for mine. How exactly do you define time. 'Look it up on google' common sense says. Actually I did but I still couldn't find anything satisfactory. Wikipedia says
   "Time is part of the measuring system used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals between them, and to quantify the motions of objects."
     Looking at the above definition we realize that it is somewhat vague. The phrases 'compare duration of events' and 'interval between them' are definitely helpful in understanding the concept of time but don't give a precise definition.
     Having spent a lot of time thinking about this I also wonder if there exists a thing such as time. Let's find out. Let us begin with the nature of time.
1) Matter - Can you touch it?
    Well we can all be sure that time is not matter. It does not have mass or volume. It can be deduced by using the tool of common sense.

2) Energy - Can you cook food with it?
    Energy is defined as the ability to do work. But I think that it is kind of  obvious that a body does not possess energy by the virtue of time. In other words, the statement ' A body that "possesses" time has the ability to do work' makes absolutely no sense.

3) Feeling - Happy, Sad, Time?
    Is time a feeling? Now that's a tough one. To answer that we will need a clear definition of the word 'feeling' as well. Well, relying on our intuitional idea of the meaning of word feeling(that's not very scientifically reliable but we are not getting into that now) , they kind of are related. 
    Our brain has a subconscious intuitive idea of time etched in it. It's not a scientific statement, it is just an observational inference.

  So all in all we can say that time is a 'feeling'(or something like it) that helps us differentiate between past, present and the future.

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